•   Dumb-Cat-Pet-Odor-Eliminator-Cat-Pee-Deterrent-Spray-Cat-Urine-Remover-Cat-Urine-Cleaner-Cat-Urine-Odor-Eliminator-Spray-Cat-Odor-Eliminator-Anti-Marking-and-Cat-Spray-Remover-32-oz
  •   Dumb-Cat-Pet-Odor-Eliminator-Cat-Pee-Deterrent-Spray-Cat-Urine-Remover-Cat-Urine-Cleaner-Cat-Urine-Odor-Eliminator-Spray-Cat-Odor-Eliminator-Anti-Marking-and-Cat-Spray-Remover-32-oz

Dumb Cat Pet Odor Eliminator, Cat...




Dumb Cat Anti Marking and Cat Spray Remover is the most effective product on the market to get cats and kittens back to using the litter box and removing cat urine. A Cat Fancy Magazine Editors’ Choice Award 2008. Dumb Cat is the most effective cat urine remover available.
We love our cats, but when they stop using the litter box and have messes it’s time for serious action. No product works faster to get cats back to using the litter box and remove messes from urine, vomit, hair balls, feces, marking scents and cat spray.
If you are looking for a cat product that gets rid of cat urine, then you will love Dumb Cat. It is formulated to remove nearly all messes generated by cats. We recommend Dumb Cat for urine removal as it contains Cat Urine Formula.

  Dumb-Cat-Pet-Odor-Eliminator-Cat-Pee-Deterrent-Spray-Cat-Urine-Remover-Cat-Urine-Cleaner-Cat-Urine-Odor-Eliminator-Spray-Cat-Odor-Eliminator-Anti-Marking-and-Cat-Spray-Remover-32-oz Dumb Cat Pet Odor Eliminator, ...


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Do not use enzyme cleaners to clean up cat urine issues. Enzymes in truth change the molecular structure of cat urine and make it nearly not possible to remove. Pet stores that sell enzyme cleaners and swear by the results do not understand cat urine. Cats instinctively mark their territories. This same marking scent confuses the cat or kitten and they’re going to stop the usage of their litterbox. Spray Dumb Cat Anti-Marking Spray on areas where the cat left their marking. Do not wipe up. The special ingredients inside the product will permanently remove the marking scent and the cat or kitten will return to the litterbox. Use a blacklight or your nose directly over carpet to find the smells where the animal urinated. Only Dumb Cat has been proven to work on the unique marking scent left in the back of in cat urine. “Whole Cat Journal” evaluated cat urine removing products and rated Dumb Cat a “Best Buy” and one of only two products that they found that worked to remove not only the cat urine, but also the odors left in the back of in carpet. Current cat owner research says that ninety-eight percent of all cat owners have this problem at one time or another. Cats will stop the usage of their litterbox for a number of reasons, be patient.

Dumb Cat Anti Marking and Cat Spray Remover is among the finest product on the market to get cats and kittens back to the usage of the litter box and removing cat urine. A Cat Fancy Magazine Editors’ Choice Award 2008. Dumb Cat is among the finest cat urine remover available.
We love our cats, but when they stop the usage of the litter box and have messes it’s time for serious action. No product works faster to get cats back to the usage of the litter box and remove messes from urine, vomit, hair balls, feces, marking scents and cat spray.
In case you are in search of a cat product that gets rid of cat urine, then you are going to love Dumb Cat. It is formulated to remove nearly all messes generated by cats. We recommend Dumb Cat for urine removal as it contains Cat Urine Formula.
You do not wipe this product up after applying. Let it air dry. Do-Not add more liquid before 3-5 days after initial application. Adding more Dumb Cat liquid before 3-5 days will stop the product from working.
Spray all over the place the cat marked with Dumb Cat Anti-Marking Remover and let it do its stuff. If you do not remove the sticky mucous and marking scents the cat will go back to marking outside the litterbox.


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