Pet Pro’s patented molecular structure is the strongest and longest-lasting odor and stain eliminator to be had available on the market these days, protected for people, pets, and our environment.
Pet Pro is eco-friendly and sustainable. This water-based solution dries fast, creating a lasting barrier that protects long after application. Highest for pet-friendly and eco-conscious homes.
Pet Pro won’t leave a film or residue on the surface, Pet Pro isn’t slippery when wet and cures in 15 minutes after application creating a barrier of protection.
Pet Pro’s Hyper Green Patented Formula Won Most Innovative Product of the Year and made the Top 5 Finalists in Sustainability in 2020 on the ACP Home Depot Show.
Infinity Shields Pet Pro is proudly made in The united states by combat veterans. It’s eco-friendly, sustainable, and offers long-lasting, invisible protection. 100% satisfaction guaranteed.
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